
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies Latest Exam Results

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About Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT)

The idea to create IIITs in Andhra Pradesh came in April 2007, at the request of the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. He was dissatisfied with the opportunities available to the rural youth and wanted to set up at least three IIITs in the three regions of Andhra Pradesh which would ensure better opportunities for rural students. A Task Force was created under the Chairmanship of Prof. K.C. Reddy. This Task Force produced a report to the government recommending the structure and functioning of the proposed institutions. At present, most universities in India and in Andhra Pradesh follow the affiliated college structure model where the main role of the university is to set the curriculum and conduct examinations to ensure that the students have indeed learned the material prescribed in the curriculum. Most colleges have an entering class of 100-300. This is unique to RGUKT and is being attempted for the first time in India. In the US, several of the larger universities do have enrolments of 20,000 to 30,000. However, not all of them tend to be residential universities. Thus RGUKT, as a greenfield university, represents a unique experiment in the educational arena. Stay tuned with result91.com for all upcoming rgukt Exam results and Schedules of the 2014-2019 session.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology Exam Time Table / Date Sheet

The Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology (RGUKT) will be issued the exam timetable on the RGUKT date and time. RGUKT will mention the affirmation date of exam time table on the official site. The candidates can download their RGUKT exam time table from the official site. RGUKT will provide the complete instruction about the Examination in the exam timetable. The important instructions will be provided in the exam date sheet which needed to follow the candidates during the exam Time. The candidates can download their Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology exam time table from the official site. Without the exam timetable, the candidates cannot remember their exam dates and cannot attend their exam properly. With the help of the exam timetable, the candidates can know their exam dates and plan for the RGUKT exam schedule.

RGUKT Exam Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology (RGUKT) Admit cards 2019 Examinations for UG/ PG courses will begin shortly at the examination centres issued by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology. The detailed Examination events/ exam dates/ Exam centre & Roll no shall be mentioned in the Exam Admit cards. Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology (RGUKT) summer 2019 Admit cards shall be anticipated via university website 2 weeks preceding to Exams. The admit card for Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology Examination 2019 is issued. The download procedure of admit card will be done in two-phase. Firstly, the admit card will be issued for those candidates who submitted their application form without the late fee. After that admit card will be issued for those candidates who submitted their application form against the late fee. The direct link will be made available here when the official body will start issuing admit card.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology Admission 2019

Applications will be invited by Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology (RGUKT) for admission to UG, PG, diploma and research programmes for academic session 2019-19. Every year, a large number of students get enrolled in Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology under various educational departments at different levels. students who want admission in any particular course under this university are advised to apply for admission test as per RGUKT led to date. via this post, students can check complete details on the Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology (RGUKT) Admission 2019-19.

Online Exam Form of RGUKT

Different stages to apply for the form:-

  1. First things first, you need to visit the website of University
  2. Now you will be required to look on to the candidates' Corner section.
  3. Now comes to offering the information like name, date of birth, father’s name. study details, course name, residence details, phone no, class, gender.
  4. Soon after you offering these particulars, the page will be displaying the application no and password that you are going to use at the time of receiving the RGUKT lt.
  5. Then choose the examination button and open it.
  6. The next thing would be to click on download link and go via the notification.
  7. The most important stage is to Click on Apply online link and complete the application form.
  8. Another next step taken by you is to hit the submit button in order to load the form.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology Major Courses

List of courses offered by Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology (RGUKT):-

  • Diploma in Computer Science Engineering + Bachelor of Technology[B.Tech]
  • Diploma in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering + Bachelor of Technology[B.Tech]
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering + Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech]
  • Diploma in Chemical Engineering + Bachelor of Technology[B.Tech]
  • Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering + Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech]
  • Diploma in Civil Engineering + Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech]
  • Master of Technology [M.Tech]
  • Ph.D. (Engineering)

Affiliated Colleges for RGUKT

List of colleges affiliated with Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technology (RGUKT):-

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Boards / Universities / Institutions List

Krishna University 2163 Acharya Nagarjuna University(ANU) 1775 Sri Venkateswara University 927 Adikavi Nannaya University 881 Vikrama Simhapuri University 779 Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda 714 Satavahana University 486 Osmania University 483 K.L University 479 NTR University of Health Sciences 451 Vignan University 429 Yogi Vemana University 374 Kakatiya University 309 Andhra University 309 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantpur 292 Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam 292 Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University 283 Rayalaseema University 253 Telangana University 189 Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management 179 Palamuru University 159 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada 153 Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University 118 State Board of Technical Education And Training 106 University of Hyderabad 90 Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth 78 Board of Intermediate Education 78 Dravidian University 76 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad 74 Sri Krishnadevaraya University 52 Railway Recruitment Board, AP 47 NALSAR UNIVERSITY 47 English & Foregin Language University 39 Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education 37 Board of Secondary Education - Andhra Pradesh 32 Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam 31 Andhra Pradesh Open School Society 26 Dr B.R.Ambedkar Open University 26 Sri Venkateswara Vedic University 22 Maulana Azad National Urdu University 12 International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad 5 Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission 5 Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) 4 Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University 3 Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies 3 Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati 1 Andhra Pradesh Law Common Entrance Test 1 Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural Univerity 1 Board of Intermediate Education Telangana 1 Board of Secondary Education - Andhra Pradesh 1 Department of School Education 1 Directorate of Government Examinations 1 Andhra Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test 1 Government of AP School Education Department 1 ICFAI Business School (IBS) 0 ICFAI Foundation of Higher Education, Hyderabad 0 Chief Commissioner of Land Administration 0 A.P Residential Educational Institutions Society 0 Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test 0 GITAM University 0 Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation 0 National Academy of Legal Studies and Research University 0 Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning 0 Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University 0 Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited 0 A.P. University of Law 0 Sri Sathya Sai University 0 Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University 0