
Dravidian University

Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh

Dravidian University Latest Exam Results

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About Dravidian University (DRAVIDIAN-UNIVERSITY)

Among the world’s language families the Dravidian family of languages enjoys a special place of distinction with an ancient origin and a continuation of a greater civilization. The Dravidian family of languages comprises 27 languages spread across the entire India and Beluchistan. All of them have contributed to the oneness of the rich mosaic of Indian culture. The major languages are; Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam. * * * An Institution with Distinct Character Fulfilling the long felt intellectual call for a national institution to conduct study and research both at home and abroad in these ancient languages and to promote a greater sense of fraternity and spirit of integration among the speakers of the major Dravidian languages in the South the Government of Andhra Pradesh has benevolently come forward to establish Dravidian University through a Legislative Act in October 1997 involving the support of the other Southern States, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. It is located at a trilingual junction at Kuppam, Chittor Dstrict in the South-Western tip of A.P, which is only 4 kms away from Karnataka, 8 kms from Tamil Nadu and of course very close to Kerala border, which is less than 4.5 hrs drive. The principal objective of the establishment of the Dravidian University is to promote integrated studies on the common heritage of the Dravidian speakers facilitating a strong perception of oneness among them. Every language is a clean mirror holding a complete picture of culture. Languages are living voices of the races sounding their human, personal, social and scientific thoughts. Dravidian civilization is one of the very oldest civilizations of the entire world. Archaeologists point out that the African continent was one with the South Indian Sub-Continent. It was the Indian Ocean that made a cleft. The synonymous words and phrases still in use stand a testimony to it. Linguists found out resemblances between languages. The current researchers listed out 27 Dravidian languages spread across from Cape Camorin to Afghanistan.

Dravidian University Exam Time Table / Date Sheet

Dravidian University Date Sheet 2019 Dravidian University Latest Time Table 2019 DU, Kuppam Date sheet and Scheme 2019 download Undergraduate and Postgraduate Exam Date sheet Under DU, Kuppam Exam schedule

The Aspirants, who are pursuing any Undergraduate or Postgraduate course from the Dravidian University, are informed that the Dravidian University has released the DU, Kuppam Time Table 2019 for various courses. We know that a lot of Aspirants are pursuing in these courses and recently they are asking for the date sheet because they want to make their study schedule according to the timetable. Recently, the date sheet is available for few courses. For other courses, it will be spelled out later. Check the latest released date sheets above on this page.

Dravidian University Exam Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download

Dravidian University is going to release the Annual Exam Undergraduate and Postgraduate 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year Admit Card 2019. Those applicants who are going to appear in the exam may download admit card via the Official Website Portal. Candidates should do full preparation before attending the exam. The University will conduct the Annual Exam in the month of March-April 2019. Students will be able to download the Hall Ticket at the official website. Students can check the Exam Time Table or Date Sheet on the official website.

Before the examination, students are going to prepare for the UG/PG exams and they will occur in the exam hall very soon. And they have needed to admit card before the Examination. Before entering the exam hall students need to download their respective admit card. By entering their require details.

Dravidian University Admission 2019

Currently, the Dravidian University has 20 academic departments and 6 research centers. It offers various programmes in UG, PG, research and also distance education courses to the candidates.

The eligible Students are selected on the basis of marks obtained in the entrance exam organized by the university. For UG courses, there is no such entrance exam. The candidates get admission on the marks achieved in their pre-degree course. For Postgraduate and Research, Students need to appear in DUCET and DURCET entrance exam respectively. 10% of the seats are reserved for Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu candidates.

Application for entrance examination for admission to the various course can be submitted to the university office. A separate application is required for each course. Students are required to submit the prescribed entrance examination fees of INR 350 (for General/ BC Students) and INR 250 (for SC/ST/Differently Abled Students) in the form of Demand Draft (DD) to the university office.

Online Exam Form of Dravidian University

DUCET 2019 Application Form is likely to be available both Online and Offline. DUCET Application forms might be accepted starting from March 29, 2019. Students need to follow the certain procedure for filling the DUCET 2019 application form.

Log on to the official website of Dravidian University at dravidianuniversity.ac.in and click the tab apply for DUCET Application 2019. Get registered with a valid Email ID and Phone Number. Next, the Application form will appear on the screen. Fill it as the spaces appear such as:- Mention the Course Applied, Choice/Preference, Student’s Name, Father’s and Mother’s Name, Date of Birth, Gender, The State of Domicile, Category / Special Category, Choice of Entrance Examination Center, Result of Qualifying Degree Exam, Academic Details, Declaration by the Father / Mother / Guardian. Pay the fees using available options and take a print of the form.

Dravidian University Major Courses

List of courses offered by Dravidian University (GVP)

  1. Executive Master of Business Administration [EMBA]
  2. Bachelor of Science [B.Sc]
  3. Bachelor of Arts [B.A]
  4. Bachelor of Business Management [BBM]
  5. Bachelor of Dental Science [BDS] (Biochemistry)
  6. Bachelor of Commerce [B.Com] (Computer Applications)
  7. Bachelor of Social Work [BSW]
  8. Bachelor of Library and Information Science [B.Lib.I.Sc]
  9. Master of Science [M.Sc]
  10. Master of Arts [M.A]
  11. Bachelor of Education [B.Ed]
  12. Master of Commerce [M.Com]
  13. Master of Computer Applications [M.C.A]
  14. Master of Education [M.Ed] (Special Education)
  15. Master of Library and Information Science [M.Lib.I.Sc]
  16. Ph.D
  17. Master of Philosophy [M.Phil]
  18. Master of Science [M.S] (Physics)
  19. Diploma in Malayalam
  20. Certification
  21. Master of Business Administration [MBA]

Affiliated Colleges for Dravidian University

List of colleges affiliated with Dravidian University (GVP)

  • International Institute of Management - IIHM Vishakhapatnam
  • Department of Kannada-Dravidian University, Kuppam
  • Department of Kannada-Dravidian University, Kuppam
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Boards / Universities / Institutions List

Krishna University 2163 Acharya Nagarjuna University(ANU) 1775 Sri Venkateswara University 927 Adikavi Nannaya University 881 Vikrama Simhapuri University 779 Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda 714 Satavahana University 486 Osmania University 483 K.L University 479 NTR University of Health Sciences 451 Vignan University 429 Yogi Vemana University 374 Kakatiya University 309 Andhra University 309 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantpur 292 Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam 292 Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University 283 Rayalaseema University 253 Telangana University 189 Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management 179 Palamuru University 159 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada 153 Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University 118 State Board of Technical Education And Training 106 University of Hyderabad 90 Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth 78 Board of Intermediate Education 78 Dravidian University 76 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad 74 Sri Krishnadevaraya University 52 Railway Recruitment Board, AP 47 NALSAR UNIVERSITY 47 English & Foregin Language University 39 Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education 37 Board of Secondary Education - Andhra Pradesh 32 Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam 31 Andhra Pradesh Open School Society 26 Dr B.R.Ambedkar Open University 26 Sri Venkateswara Vedic University 22 Maulana Azad National Urdu University 12 International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad 5 Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission 5 Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) 4 Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University 3 Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies 3 Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati 1 Andhra Pradesh Law Common Entrance Test 1 Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural Univerity 1 Board of Intermediate Education Telangana 1 Board of Secondary Education - Andhra Pradesh 1 Department of School Education 1 Directorate of Government Examinations 1 Andhra Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test 1 Government of AP School Education Department 1 ICFAI Business School (IBS) 0 ICFAI Foundation of Higher Education, Hyderabad 0 Chief Commissioner of Land Administration 0 A.P Residential Educational Institutions Society 0 Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test 0 GITAM University 0 Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation 0 National Academy of Legal Studies and Research University 0 Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning 0 Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University 0 Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited 0 A.P. University of Law 0 Sri Sathya Sai University 0 Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University 0