
Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural Univerity

Post Box # 7, Venkataramannagudem-534 101West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh

Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural Univerity Latest Exam Results

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About Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural Univerity (DR.-Y.S.R.-HORTICULTURAL-UNIVERSITY)

Dr. YSR Horticultural University is founded by the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in the year 2007 to provide quality education and training in horticulture to aspirants. It is second Horticulture University of the nation and first in south India. For Andhra Pradesh being the leader in the production of mango, oil palm, chilies, turmeric, sweet orange, papaya and also being the second largest producer of total fruits, deserves a Horticultural university to increase the productivity, sustainability, and commercialization of horticulture in the state.

Dr. YSR Horticultural University (DRYSRHU) Highlights:

Founded In


University Type


Campus Area

1 crore acres


Over 13,200 books+3500 e-journals



How to Reach

Aerial Dist. 750 km

Rail Dist. 850 km

Road Dist. 975 km

Dr. YSR Horticultural University Exam Time Table / Date Sheet

The Aspirants those appear in the Dr. YSR Horticultural University examination 2019 for the UG and PG courses DRYSRHU had planned to organize the examinations for all first, Second and Third parts and all those who were preparing for it must need the dates to prepare according to it. We hope this exam timetable will be helpful to make a study plan according to your work schedule. If more details to go and visit the official webpage of the university.

All the Aspirants are informed that the huge number of Aspirants are pursuing in the Dr. YSR Horticultural University in various Courses. Now this time all the Aspirants are required the Dr. YSR Horticultural University Undergraduate and Postgraduate Exam Time Table 2019 for the Exam Preparation. We have suggested all the Aspirants of the Dr. YSR Horticultural University not announced the Exam Programme yet but it will be published as soon on the official web portal in the upcoming month. So, all the Aspirants continue their study for getting the higher score in this examination. Here we are provided direct links to download Exam Date Sheet.

DRYSRHU Exam Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download

Aspirants pursuing Undergraduate/ Postgraduate program from Dr. YSR Horticultural University can download UG/PG Exam Hall Ticket as per their program in which Aspirant is pursuing. Access via online mode and get your DRYSRHU Admit Card as it is the mandatory document to carry in the examination hall. without the valid admit card Aspirants cannot appear in the examination. For the ease of the Aspirants, the direct link to download the Admit Card has been provided here. The postulants get the admit card with the details of Aspirant name, exam venue, exam date, timing etc. Participants should carry hall ticket along with original id proof to the examination hall. The admit card will available soon on the official website prior to the exam dates.

Dr. YSR Horticultural University Admission 2019

YSR Horticultural University B.Sc (Horticulture) Admission 2019

YSRHU offers a full-time B.Sc (Horticulture) course in the university department and its affiliated colleges.10+2 or Diploma passed Students can apply for admission.

The selection of the Students will be on the basis of AP EAMCET/ AIEEA (for 15% seats)/ HORTICET (for 15% seats for Diploma holders). In case of admission through AP EAMCET, THE Students have to secure minimum 25% marks in AP EAMCET while there are no minimum criteria for reserve categories.

YSRHU HORTICET Pattern: HORTICET is a two-hour entrance which consists of 200 multiple choice questions. The test will be organized in Telugu medium.

YSR Horticultural University M.Sc & Ph.D. Admission 2019

Apart from Undergraduate courses, YSR Horticultural University also provides admission to Postgraduate and research courses. There are various specializations offered under the M.Sc programme.

The duration of M.Sc course is of 2 years, while Ph.D. programme will take 6 years to complete. The number of seats offered for M.Sc and Ph.D. programmes is 26 and 6 respectively.

Eligible Students must ensure that they fulfill all the required conditions and apply accordingly before the last date. Download the application form and take a print copy of it. Fill the application form carefully and attach it along with two self-addressed envelopes with your pin code affixing postage stamps of INR 5 on each.

Online Exam Form of DRYSRHU

Interested candidates may apply for admission in the prescribed proforma (enclosed) along with a Demand Draft of Rs.650/- (Rupees Six hundred and fifty only) for General/BC candidates and for Rs.325/- (Rupees Three hundred and twenty-five only) in case of SC/ST/Physically Disabled persons drawn in favour of the “COMPTROLLER, Dr. Y.S.R HORTICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, payable at TADEPALLIGUDEM” on any Nationalized Bank (Original DD should be attached with the application form). b) Along with application form, 2 self-addressed envelopes affixed with Rs. 5/- postal stamp should be sent.

Application form duly filled should reach on or before scheduled date either in person or by post. Applications received after the last date will not be entertained and Dr. YSRHU is not responsible for any postal delay.

Dr. YSR Horticultural University Major Courses

List of courses offered by Dr. YSR Horticultural University (DRYSRHU)

  1. Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] {Hons.} (Horticulture)
  2. Master of Science [M.Sc]
  3. Ph.D. (Horticulture)
  4. Diploma in Horticulture
  5. Ph.D

Affiliated Colleges for Dr. YSR Horticultural University

List of colleges affiliated with Dr. YSR Horticultural University (DRYSRHU)

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Boards / Universities / Institutions List

Krishna University 2163 Acharya Nagarjuna University(ANU) 1775 Sri Venkateswara University 927 Adikavi Nannaya University 881 Vikrama Simhapuri University 779 Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda 714 Satavahana University 486 Osmania University 483 K.L University 479 NTR University of Health Sciences 451 Vignan University 429 Yogi Vemana University 374 Kakatiya University 309 Andhra University 309 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantpur 292 Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam 292 Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University 283 Rayalaseema University 253 Telangana University 189 Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management 179 Palamuru University 159 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada 153 Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University 118 State Board of Technical Education And Training 106 University of Hyderabad 90 Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth 78 Board of Intermediate Education 78 Dravidian University 76 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad 74 Sri Krishnadevaraya University 52 Railway Recruitment Board, AP 47 NALSAR UNIVERSITY 47 English & Foregin Language University 39 Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education 37 Board of Secondary Education - Andhra Pradesh 32 Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam 31 Andhra Pradesh Open School Society 26 Dr B.R.Ambedkar Open University 26 Sri Venkateswara Vedic University 22 Maulana Azad National Urdu University 12 International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad 5 Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission 5 Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) 4 Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University 3 Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies 3 Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati 1 Andhra Pradesh Law Common Entrance Test 1 Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural Univerity 1 Board of Intermediate Education Telangana 1 Board of Secondary Education - Andhra Pradesh 1 Department of School Education 1 Directorate of Government Examinations 1 Andhra Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test 1 Government of AP School Education Department 1 ICFAI Business School (IBS) 0 ICFAI Foundation of Higher Education, Hyderabad 0 Chief Commissioner of Land Administration 0 A.P Residential Educational Institutions Society 0 Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test 0 GITAM University 0 Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation 0 National Academy of Legal Studies and Research University 0 Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning 0 Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University 0 Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited 0 A.P. University of Law 0 Sri Sathya Sai University 0 Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University 0