
Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University

Nampally, Andhra Pradesh

Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Latest Exam Results

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    About Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU)

    Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University is one of the few language universities in the country. It was established as "Telugu University" on 2nd December 1985 through an Act of Legislation (Act No. 27 of 1985) with headquarters at Hyderabad and campuses at Sri Sailam and Rajahmundry. Later in the year 1989, the Siddhendra Kalakshetram at Kuchipudi merged with the University. The School of Folk and Tribal Lore was established at Warangal during the year 1994. This University was founded with the broad objectives of serving the cause of the Telugu people, both within the State and outside. For this purpose, the state government has merged the Sahitya, Sangeetha, Nataka, Nritya and Lalitha Kala Academies, International Telugu Institute and Telugu Bhasha Samithi into the University. Thus, the University was established to function as a central organization for teaching and research in Language and Literature, History and Culture, Fine Arts and Performing Arts, religion and philosophy of the Telugu speaking people. It strives to inculcate a sense of identity in them as citizens of India and as responsible representatives of Andhra Pradesh. This University was renamed as Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University in the year 1998. The University Grants Commission has recognized the University as fit to receive financial grants since 2nd May 1990. PSTU is situated in the historic city of Hyderabad. PSTU (Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University) follows Semester System for all regular courses. There is both internal and external evaluation for the degree and P.G. courses. Admissions are via Merit and /Entrance examinations. Students are evaluated in both theory and practice for the Fine Arts and Performing Arts. Innovative and need-based courses like Telugu, journalism, History, Dance, Fine Arts, Jyotisham, Performing Arts, Social Science, Folk and Comparative Studies are offered in the university. The university has eighteen Departments spread over five campuses, i.e. Hyderabad, Rajahmundry, Sri Sailam, Warangal and Kuchipudi. The University has teaching and research in all these campuses. It has three buildings in the main campus, Hyderabad. The two buildings situated at Public Gardens host the major teaching departments and administrative sections. These also include Publication wing, Extensions Services department and a branch library. The second building at Vidyanagar hosts the central Library and Boys’ Hostels. The students have a most comfortable stay in well-furnished hostels in Vidyanagar and Bachupalli kalaprangnam spread out in 100 acres.  The University has recently acquired 100 acres of land for the construction of new campus at Bachupally in Hyderabad. Construction work has been initiated. The Rajahmundry, Sri Sailam and Kuchipudi Campuses contain teaching, administrative and hostel buildings.

    Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Exam Time Table / Date Sheet

    Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) Date Sheet 2019 PSTU Latest Time Table 2019 PSTU Date sheet and Scheme 2019 download Undergraduate and Postgraduate Exam Date sheet Under PSTU Exam PSTU. The Aspirants, who are pursuing an Undergraduate University or Postgraduate University course from the PSTU, are informed that the PSTU has released the Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) Time Table 2019 for various courses. We know that a lot of Aspirants are pursuing in these courses and recently they are asking for the date sheet because they want to make their study Schedule according to the timetable. Recently, the date sheet is available for a few courses. For other courses, it will be spelt out later. Check the latest released date sheets above on this page.

    PSTU Exam Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download

    The annual term end examinations of the university are held twice a year in the months of March and October resistively. The exam notifications are released online for this purpose under the “Examination” section. The applicants are is PSTU admit cards offline by the university from the concerned departments. They can, however, check the official website of the university in case, the admit cards are available online for this purpose. The hall ticket is the mandatory document to be carried at the examination centre to enter in the examination hall. The Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) admit card can be downloaded through online mode. It cannot be sent to any candidates individual Bangaloreally by post or by any other means. candidates are advised to verify all the details printed on the admit card is the same as per the application form or not. PSTU preserves the admit card till the admission process. candidates should note that without valid admit card no candidates will be allowed to enter in the examination centre.

    Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Admission 2019

    Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) provides different courses at UG, PG and doctoral level. The admission process Bangalore for the Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University begins in the month of PSTU for different courses. The application process Bangalore is online for UG and PG courses. The admissions to Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University will be done on the basis of the Qualifying exam from any of the Boards, and the percentage of marks obtained in the theory PSTU subjects are also important. Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University takes aspirant only on the merit base. The Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) is going to organize the admission exam in 2019. As we know that every year this university organizes the entrance exam. Here in this article, we are going to give you all the information about the Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU) admission exam 2019.

    Online Exam Form of PSTU

    The application form is available in online mode. Candidates need to register on the official website of the university. The steps of the application process are as follows:

    1. Visit the official website of the university.
    2. Click on ‘Apply Online’.
    3. There are two options-New registration and Already registered users.
    4. Upon clicking on New Registration, a registration window appears.
    5. Fill the registration form and submit it.
    6. A user ID and password is sent to the registered mobile number.
    7. Login with the login credentials provided and fill out the application form.
    8. Upload the scanned copies of documents, photograph and signature and submit it.
    9. After this, candidates will be directed to the payment page where payment can be made through credit card, debit card or net banking.
    10. After payment, the final submission of application will be done.

    Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University Major Courses

    List of courses offered by Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU):-

    • Bachelor of Fine Arts [BFA] (Painting)
    • Certificate Course in Kuchipudi Dance
    • Master of Performing Arts [MPA]
    • Master of Arts [M.A]
    • Master of Communication & Journalism (MCJ)
    • Ph.D
    • Post Graduate Diploma
    • Diploma
    • Certification

    Affiliated Colleges for PSTU

    List of colleges affiliated with Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University (PSTU):-

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    Boards / Universities / Institutions List

    Krishna University 2163 Acharya Nagarjuna University(ANU) 1775 Sri Venkateswara University 927 Adikavi Nannaya University 881 Vikrama Simhapuri University 779 Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda 714 Satavahana University 486 Osmania University 483 K.L University 479 NTR University of Health Sciences 451 Vignan University 429 Yogi Vemana University 374 Kakatiya University 309 Andhra University 309 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantpur 292 Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam 292 Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University 283 Rayalaseema University 253 Telangana University 189 Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management 179 Palamuru University 159 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada 153 Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University 118 State Board of Technical Education And Training 106 University of Hyderabad 90 Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth 78 Board of Intermediate Education 78 Dravidian University 76 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad 74 Sri Krishnadevaraya University 52 Railway Recruitment Board, AP 47 NALSAR UNIVERSITY 47 English & Foregin Language University 39 Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education 37 Board of Secondary Education - Andhra Pradesh 32 Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam 31 Andhra Pradesh Open School Society 26 Dr B.R.Ambedkar Open University 26 Sri Venkateswara Vedic University 22 Maulana Azad National Urdu University 12 International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad 5 Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission 5 Association of Indian Management Schools (AIMS) 4 Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University 3 Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies 3 Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati 1 Andhra Pradesh Law Common Entrance Test 1 Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural Univerity 1 Board of Intermediate Education Telangana 1 Board of Secondary Education - Andhra Pradesh 1 Department of School Education 1 Directorate of Government Examinations 1 Andhra Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test 1 Government of AP School Education Department 1 ICFAI Business School (IBS) 0 ICFAI Foundation of Higher Education, Hyderabad 0 Chief Commissioner of Land Administration 0 A.P Residential Educational Institutions Society 0 Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test 0 GITAM University 0 Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation 0 National Academy of Legal Studies and Research University 0 Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning 0 Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University 0 Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited 0 A.P. University of Law 0 Sri Sathya Sai University 0 Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University 0